
What's the difference between ISPs and residentials proxies ?

Magnificently what you need to know:

ISP proxies are directly sourced from ISPs and hosted in data centers. On the other hand, residential proxies use IP addresses assigned by ISPs to residential devices.

When you buy resi (Residential Proxies), know that you buy a number of data (GB) so, you'll pay for your use, and you must pay attention to your consumption. So, if you buy isps you will pay a monthly subscription with unlimited use.

Ok I know what it is, but concretely, which ones do I have to buy?

If you want something versatile, buy ISPs proxies, they will be very useful, especially to run the bot 24/7.

Now if you only want to run drops and don't pay "expensives" proxies, then we advise you to go to residential proxies.

And, where can I buy them ?

You can buy them for example on BlueMagic (isps) or on Mars (residentials). These are good proxies, but there are a lot of other providers !

Last updated